Thursday, July 31, 2014

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

10 years old Pippuri

Pippuri when she was younger, about 10 years old. 

We dont' have pictures of her when she was a small kitten, only videos and because those videos where taken when I was young and I'm most likely dancing in every single one of them, I don't feel like posting them x)

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Cute even in Black & White

Two photos I took a few years ago on Black & White photography class.

Monday, July 28, 2014

She did like music and especially guitar solos

Pippuri used to lie on my CD player, purr and listen to bands like Children of Bodom and Dimmu Borgir with me. She actually came to my room just to listen to music with me.

This was one of her favorites and at the same time the first song from Children of Bodom I heard.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Always the center of attention

Always wanting to be the center of attention. :D
And interrupt me while I'm doing a puzzle, on the computer or writing. x)

Friday, July 25, 2014

Successful attempt

Pippuri trying to open her Advent calendar, which I filled with her favorite treats.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


She was diagnosed with overactive thyroid on April and at first she had very strong medication, which made her dizzy. We had her medication changed and she started to look better but the sudden heat wave that hit Finland was just too much for her.

This is one of the few times when our cats have been lying next to each other. :3

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


She sometimes fought with other cats but was never seriously hurt. And she always seemed so happy after winning a fight with another cat and protecting our yard.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Not always so grumpy

Usually, when you tried to take a photo of Pippuri, she'd try to look as proud and cocky as possible, but during her 15 years we were able to take a few pictures of her when she didn't notice.

Or when she was sleeping in different, (as my mum would say) "un-catlike" positions.
So here you have pile of pictures, 'cause they tell more about her than I'd ever be able to explain :)

Olet rakas, Pippurski <3

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Pippuri's month

I have decided to start my blog again and this time I'll start by honoring my cat's long and happy life. 
She passed away 20th of May 2014, after coming home the day before. 
She was 15 years old and I had had her since I was five. 

I love her very much and these two months without her have been difficult. 
She was always there for me and slept in my bed.

She didn't know how to meow, but I do miss those little noises she made when she tried to meow.
And the way she answered and came to me when I whistled.

To you, my dear, old and grumpy Pterosaur, I own this month and the rest of my life.
I will see you again, Pippuri <3